Hands Off! Put Your Business on Autopilot with a Virtual Project Manager

If you have a business, you know it’s difficult to get everything done. There are so many tasks that need your attention, and if you’re doing everything from accounting to sales on top of the day-to-day operations, it can feel overwhelming. That’s why many business owners hir

Hands Off! Put Your Business on Autopilot with a Virtual Project Manager

As a small business owner, you are responsible for so many things. From building a team to supporting customers to ordering from vendors, there’s always someone who needs your time and attention. By hiring a virtual project manager you can delegate some small tasks so you can focus on the most important things (like driving more revenue

A virtual project manager can help you put your business on auto-pilot by taking on the following tasks:

1. Keep Your Team on Track.Global social network abstract scheme.

Small businesses tend to work with a mixture of full and part-time employees, contractors, freelancers, agencies, and vendors. With so many people – both in and outside the office – working on important tasks, there should be one person in charge of coordinating them all.

A virtual project manager can act as a conductor to the orchestra which is your business. He/she can ensure everyone is finishing tasks on time and working well with others.

Your virtual project manager can also report back to you when there are issues that need to be resolved, supplies that need to be purchased, and just to let you know that everything is running smoothly.

2. Make Sure Freelancers Get Paid for Hours.

Because small businesses often employ contractors and freelancers, it’s likely that some of your team members will not be on your normal payroll. Additionally, many freelancers require payment based on milestones while others are paid hourly, weekly, or monthly.

Your virtual project manager can keep track of milestones completed and hours logged so that you are alerted when payments need to be made. This ensures a happy relationship with freelancers who are often vital to the success of small businesses.

3. Take Simple Tasks Off Your Plate. project management delegate

When you hire a virtual project manager, delegation is the name of the game. Any small task that takes your focus away from big-picture stuff should be taken off your plate.

You can assign tasks such as: answering phone calls, providing customer support, coordinating tasks between team members, replying to emails, and more.

A virtual project manager can be thought of as a virtual assistant rather than just a project manager. He/she is available to help with all the small things – and if there are too many little tasks for one person, you can always hire more affordable virtual assistants.

After all, the name of the game is to work smarter not harder!

4. Putting Your Business on Autopilotproject-manager
When you started your business you probably did so for a variety of reasons: autonomy over your life, building a future for yourself and your family, helping others, improving your industry, and the ability to someday work fewer than 40 hours per week.

While hiring a virtual project manager won’t help you reach all of those goals overnight, he/she can definitely help you cut down on the number of hours you work each week.

By working less and still achieving the same or better output, you’ll almost feel like the success of your business was put on autopilot! Now kick back, relax and enjoy the fruits of owning your own business.

e virtual business assistants (VAs). These VAs work remotely, so they don’t take up office space. They offer services such as bookkeeping, proposal writing, and social media management to help relieve the stress on business owners. But how do you know if a virtual assistant is right for your business? Let’s take a look at the benefits of working with a virtual business assistant and why they could be the answer to your problems.

Build a strong team

Working with a VA can help you build a strong team. Hiring a virtual business assistant allows you to bring in new talent to your business. This can be especially useful if you’re a smaller company with only a few employees. While having a small, close-knit team is great, it can be difficult to scale when you have a ton of work. A VA can help take some of that load and make it easier to manage your team.

More productivity

Hiring a virtual assistant can help boost your productivity. You can accomplish a lot more when you have the right tools and software. But if you’re busy handling the day-to-day tasks that a VA should handle, you’re not only not getting as much done as you should, but you’re also putting your company in danger. When you hire a virtual business assistant, you can have them take care of the tasks that don’t require your expertise. This frees up your time so you can focus on what really matters.

Outsourcing helps you focus on what matters

If you’re doing everything in your business, you’re not only overworked but also not giving your employees enough to do. Many business owners struggle with finding the time to do everything on their to-do lists, never mind hiring employees to take over some of those tasks. When you hire a virtual business assistant, you not only take some of the pressure off yourself but also free up your employees. This lets them focus on their strengths and grow in their roles.

It helps build your company’s reputation

When you’re short-handed and burning out quickly, it can be hard to build your company’s reputation. Clients may notice that you’re not as thorough as you should be. They may not see the value in your services. A VA can help you regain that reputation. A virtual business assistant can take care of the tasks that don’t require your expertise so you can focus on the small things that make your business great.

Save money

If you’re doing everything in your business, you could be spending a lot of money. A virtual business assistant can save you money because they typically work on an hourly basis. This means that you only pay for the services that you need. Additionally, many VAs are based overseas, offering you the opportunity to save even more.

Final Words

Working with a VA can be a great way to ease some of the stress and pressure that comes with running a business. You can focus on what matters most and have someone else take care of the day-to-day tasks that take up your time. A virtual business assistant can help you build a strong team, increase productivity, and save even money.

BUCKET SYSTEM vs. Employee

Sure, you could hire an ordinary employee to help grow your business, but do you really have enough small tasks to fill up 40 hours per week or even 20 hours per week every single week? If not, that employee will be spending downtime on your dime.

TaskBullet has eliminated this problem with what we call the BUCKET SYSTEM. Your remote employee will clock in when you need them and clock out when you don't. (Learn how it works here) With a remote personal assistant, you pay for the hours you need and nothing more. You'll save money on not having to provide employee benefits, office space, office supplies (computer, desk, coffee, etc.); oh, and did I mention downtime?

Your remote personal assistant will come with his or her own supplies, a strong education (TaskBullet virtual assistants have university degrees), and deep professional background. When you hire a virtual sales assistant from TaskBullet, you are also assigned a project manager to ensure that everything runs smoothly. What are you waiting for? Hire a remote personal assistant today and get your time back!

Employee Efficiency Rating
Bucket System
Part-Time Employee
Full-Time Employee
Virtual Employee

Save Money, Save Time And Keep Your Focus On Growing Your Business. When Your Not Focused On Growing Your Business, Someone Else Is Growing Faster Than You.

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