Starter Bucket: Check your email to confirm your Welcome Call. After the call, you're ready to make the most of your 20 hours with Taskbullet.
What to expect next
Welcome email
You will be receiving an email titled “Welcome to TaskBullet” This email will have a brief description of Basecamp and contact info for the support staff.
Check your email for a link to schedule your welcome call.
Basecamp invite
Keep your eye out for your invite to“Basecamp”. It will be sent to the email address you listed when you signed up.
Sign in to your basecamp account and get familiar with the look and feel. We will walk you through this during your welcome call.
getting ready
The majority of your welcome call will be spent familiarizing you with your new basecamp account. It will help you to have it open during the call so be sure to set it up first.
If you already have a Basecamp account and know it well, you can start assigning tasks, just remember to assign your project manager so they see your uploaded tasks. If you have questions we can answer them in the welcome call.